Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enjoy The Pain... Like we haven't heard that before

I haven't updated in a while, but I wanted to share a little story that I thought was funny...

Couple of weeks ago I happened to be wearing a Kettlebell Advantage t-shirt while teaching a Saturday morning class at Lets Roll Jiu Jitsu. During class one of the ladies asked what my shirt said, another lady read it out loud to everyone. "Enjoy the Pain"! Then I had them start there next set of swings. After completing their swings the lady who asked me about my t-shirt starts a conversation with the class about how sore her legs were from doing goblet squats when she first started Kettlebell training with me. I thought ran through my head, what a good a idea. I told her "thanks"! All 6 people in class give her that look, "Why did you bring that up?"

"Let do some goblet squats!" The lady who give my the idea reply, "oh Man I hate those!" My reply back was "WHAT Does my Shirt Say!" in a low tone the whole class says "Enjoy the pain"... "That's Right! Now let's do some Goblet Squats!

I have to give Thanks to Mark Erickson RKC II for the giving me one of his Kettlebell Advantage T-shirts. Without the gracious gift None of this could have been possible! Thanks Mark!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lots of BJJ Training, Well for me a least.

This week has been good for BJJ.... I got three days of training in! That's the most of gotten in a week in a looooong time. Better yet, we worked the recovering the guard something I have a problem with. Yep my guard is weak. Recovery is even weaker, so this was a great week to train. We did drills that I have done since I was a white belt almost 10 years ago. Either I missed those classes due to injury or travel, but it seem for the last 7 years I haven't done any of these drill at all.
It was a great week for BJJ training.... for me anyways.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Saturday Morning Group Class Will Be on the Beach

That's right, this Saturday August 8th ONLY, group class will be held on the beach at First Street in Hermosa Beach . Class will start at 8 am.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Taking Your Own Advise....

Last week While talking to a friend I give them a little advice to get back on track with KB training, and that was "You should do VO2 Max to get back. You will see it won't take as long as you think to get your cardio back." Or something a long those lines....

So Last Thursday I took my own advise and started back up my VO 2 Max training. I moved up to 8 reps in 15 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest. The last time I did VO 2 Max was a few months ago and was only doing 7 reps. I was finishing before the buzzer would sound. I knew back then I should have moved up and never did and there is no time like the present to do it, so I pulled the trigger. I competed 20 sets of 8. Not great, but it killed me! I thought I could get close to where I left off.... Boy was I wrong.... and what the hell was I thinking!

My next session was last Saturday Morning before I taught KB Class. I competed 34 set of 8. Still not great, but what an improvement. I completed 14 more set in just three days. I never thought I would improve that quick. I thought only go up by 5 or 6 sets, but not 14! The only reason I stopped was my clients where starting to show up and needed to get ready to teach class.

Today was my third session since I took my own advise. I Stopped at the 42nd set do to a blister forming on my right hand. I didn't want to take chance ripping it open. Better, another improvement this time 8 more sets then the last time. I would have went for more, but like they say Better to live and fight another day... This coming Thursday I will wear some hand protection and knock out another VO2 Max training session.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

RKC Snatch Test:: Passed!

Friday morning of June 26th I re-took the New RKC Snatch test and passed in 4:26. Not bad, but I Passed. I didn't need to take officially, but as a RKC I want to be able to pass it with no problem with the time comes. . So my training doesn't stop. I will continue with the program I have been doing for the last month to improve my time.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Still Chasing the New RKC Snatch Test

After a a three classes of BJJ in one week, I'M Finally back in the mat again, I needed an extra day to recover to continue my Snatch workout. Today I forgot to reset my Gym Boss time to the 50:50 secs, so I worked out 1 minute on 1 minute rest. Next workout I will make sure to set the timer for 50:50.

My workout:
10 sets of 20 (10R/10L) with a 24 kg bell.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Snatch Workout.

Today I didn't have much time but I needed to get my Snatch workout in. I warned up with a few swings then started my snatches. 10 sets of 20 (10L/10R) with 1 minute rest between sets. I felt good after my 8 set, so I decided I could do 10 sets. Until next week.....

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

More RKC Snatch Test Training.

Last week I started training for the RKC Snatch Test, 100 reps in five Minutes. I'm using a David Whitley's "How To Improve Your Secret Service Snatch Test Score" My first session was last Wednesday. I warmed up with 5 set of 10 swings with a 24kg bell. Rested before I started snatches. I did 6 sets of 20(10L/10R) with a 24kg bell with one minute rest between sets.

Today I felt good, so I warmed up with swing using a 32kg bell, but only 3 sets of 10. Took a rest before I got started. I picked up my 24kg bell to start my snatch workout. I completed 7 sets of 20 (10L/10R). I improved by one set. It felt good. I focused on locking out, waiting to releasing the lock out until the last possible second. Feet are rooted. Pulling the bell down and swing it back not down. Friday will be the my next training day. I will stay with the 7 set of 20 until the following week then move up to 8 sets and lower the rest time to 50 seconds between sets.

My goal is to re-test myself at the end of June to complete the RKC Snatch Test of 100 snatches in under five minutes.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

RKC Snatch Test Test Drive

This Morning I did the NEW RKC Snatch Test, 100 Snatches in five minutes with a 24kg Kettlebell. I haven't done it yet, so I though today would be good day to try. I did 90 snatches in 4:45 then but the bell down because I was out of gas. Not bad for the first time. Not good because I should have finished the the last 15 seconds and hit 100. I will train to pass the test with ease. I will re-test myself at the end of the month to see how much or how little I improved.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Double Kettlebell Snatches Anyone?

This Morning before I taught class I decided to give double kettlebell snatches a try. I never did them before so I used two 16kg bells to see if I could do them. The first set was the caution set. I wanted make sure I could do them with out any problems or hurting myself. The next couple of sets were making small corrections to my technique. By the last set I was doing them solid and hard style! I ended up doing 4 sets of 10. I had to stop to teach class. All I can say is Double Snatches kick ass! I will have to integrate them in to my workout so I can snatch double 24 kg bells!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday Morining Swings and Get Ups

Saturday Morning Training....

200 swing, 100 two handed, 100 one handed with a 24kg kettlebell.

Then it was time to work on my Turkish Get Ups. Did them slow with a windmill at the standing position.

A couple of weeks ago was to post a list of things I wanted to work on. I didn't forget, I have to blame my son, he gave me his 24 hr flu bug. It was more like 35 hrs so I didn't get around to posting anything. I will try to have a list in a day or two.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Something to Make Me Think....

"If you don't train with that person then there is no need to call them Sensei" Yabe Sensei JKA 8th Dan said to me after another black belt got their feeling hurt because I would not address them as Sensei.

What does this have to do with anything? Nothing, then again alot....

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Back to the Grind........Sort Of

The is my first week back to training since the passing of my Mom and Good Friend and BMX Brother Anthony Sewell three weeks ago. I'm working my way back slowly. My workouts have been short and easy. I've always been a big believer in basics, so why not start there. With Swings, Snatches and Turkish Get Up.

With my Swings concentrating on Hard Style Lock and hiking the bell back. For me this seem to go first when I have long layoff form training. On the TGU, I focus on step by step and lots of self correction. Then rework what I need to improve on. When I stand up I throw in a Windmill then finish the TGU.

I needed to work on my cardio and there is no better way then doing VO2 Max snatch workout. My last VO2 Workout was on February 16, I completed 50 set of 7. This week I started back up with VO2 Max. I'm working my way back in to slowly. Wednesday, 15:15 7 reps for 20 sets. Today I moved up by ten, 15:15 7 reps for 30 sets. Monday I will try for 45 sets... It's a big jump but I can try can't I?

I need to sets some goals for my training. Tonight I will ponder over some personal training goals and list them here.

Until then....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back..

It seem every time I get back in to a regular training schedule and I'm back, I have a set back. Most of the time it injury that takes me out from training longer then anything. This time it's the Flu.... It's been two weeks and I'm still sick. The other day I announced I officially that I had coughed up a lung and I'm working on the other one. Today I feel worse then the first day I got sick.

Thursday Night I met with a new kettlebell client. All was good until I had to demonstrate the swing. It was almost out of breath, the bell was heavy then I can image, I though I was just starting out. It's only been two weeks since I last trained because I have been sick. I didn't make any excuses to my client about my performance, to be honest I don't think he notice, but I felt it.

Later that evening I told my wife that the 24kg it was heavy then it's ever been... and will be heavy until I get back to my own training and recover from this flu.

Until then I'm still working on coughing up my other lung.

It's off to the Doctors on Monday.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Weekend Kettlebell Workout.

Saturday Morning workout was doubles day with two 24kg bells. With the exception of of the hand to hand swings.

5 sets of 10 swings.
5 set of 20 hand to hand swings with a 24kb
5 set of 5 Clean and Presses

Sunday I went to train at Kettlebells Los Angeles with Dr Mark Cheng.

Swings, Swing and more swing... With a little bit of Snatches. Then it was more swings for 2 minutes then finish off with a Turkish Get Up. Throw in lots of Details from Doc and you get a good workout.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BJJ Training Or Is That Teaching... Again

Last night I when I arrived at class Rey wasn't there. Everyone on the mat was warming up so I changed in to my gi. As I came out on to the mat after changing there was another purple belt teaching. One my team mates told me Rey was sick and the purple belt was teaching. Monday Night class was a majority of white belts with a few blues and a few purple belts. I watch the purple belt demonstrate the rubber guard to a triangle, then to an Omo plata... I was thinks No Way no how. Not just for me, but for all the white belts in the class who had the lost look on their faces. At that point I said to the purple belt who was teaching class, "That fine for all the higher belts, but the not for the white belts." He took offense shrugged and said they could do the triangle.

So we split the class into two white belts and blue and above. I went with the white belts to help with the triangle from the guard. One of the blue belts came over as well. He would demonstrate the triangle from the guard while I walked around to make correction or help with anyone who needed it. After the practicing the triangle I asked everyone if they had any questions, and not did. It's funny how you ask that question most time no has one until after class. Next I asked id there a technique they want to work on. One white belt didn't know how to do an arm bar, so arm bars it was. The blue belt show them how the arm bar from the guard. I worked with the one white belt who didn't know the arm bar. I showed him the basic arm bar from the mount drill. Had him practice both side 10 time each. After completing the arm bar from the guard I should them the arm bar from side control. How to set it up and get the Arm. This is where the question all came in at once. Which is good. I covered each question for them but let them know this a drill to get the technique right. Once we completed it the technique it was a short break for everyone then on to stand up training.

Rey Made it know that we Must Do Stand Up training! I called everyone on to the mat and had two groups paired up for take downs. Once you where taken down get up and start over for two minutes. Take down training went on for about another fifteen minutes. Then it was open mat.

After class I called over the purple belt who started class to apologize to him for basically pulling rank on him and taking over class. Also to explain to him when you teach to a group that size you teach to their level, not what you do or something you want to work on. I felt I need to address this issue then and there before I left. I don't need to have a problem next time I walk in to class train and get crap because I "took Over". A few of they guys came to thank me for teaching because, as they put it, "There was no way I was going to be able to do what he teaching."

It wait and see what comes of it. But that will be tomorrow and worry about that when the time comes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Kettlebell Workout

After a late night bike ride at the beach with 12 of my friends. I woke up early to go to the park for an early morning kettlebell workout.

Today's workout

Warm up 50 swing with 24kg bell

5 set of 3 of Swings, Cleans, then Press

Snatches 110 , Latter from 1 to 10 with a 24kg bell.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday Night BJJ Training

After a good Kettlebell workout this afternoon I went to BJJ class. I like chokes and tonight It was choke night. Rey taught two chokes from side control. One I've used, but like I said before, but it's always good to review any technique. The other I have heard of and seen but never learned it. It a good tight choke that make your opponent tap fast.

Now it was time to roll. I roller with another purple belt. I was on the defense most of the time. Once I got to side control, He gave me his back, but protected his neck until time ran out. Next up a blue belt. He just got maybe six months ago. I totally under estimated him and he caught me with a arm bar, not a solid tight arm bar, but enough to make me tap. After that I made him tap from the mount just by dropping my hips to put pressure on him. After class we talked about his arm bar. He knew it was that tight but he made me tap. I told him he needed to tighten up on the arm more and make sure he more on the shoulder to get a tighter arm bar.

See how I feel tomorrow after working out two times today.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Nothing like a little BJJ and Kettlebells Training

Last Wednesday night BJJ class. We did self defense. It was okay, but for whatever reason I'm not a big believer in self defense. If you have never been in a fight, No self defense will help you in any situation, You have to be able to take a punch or kick to give on. That's just me. When I train in Martial Arts I do the class no matter what I think. I give it all I got to learn what is being taught. I keep my oppinons to myself, unless asked...Again that's just me.

After, self defense training we paired up and rolled. For some reason some the white belts wanted to train with me, that a first, they usually stay a way from training with me because to me size and rank. So I rolled with them, and do what I do with all with belts. See what they know and roll to their level. That lets me work on techniques that I need to work on. With the first white belt I worked my guard. Open and closed. I swept a few time times with omp plata sweeps, one while he was standing in my guard, and the second one from his knees while in my close guard. Then I contiuted working my gaurd until time was called. After class he tells me he was surprise how good my guard was for a big guy... And How flexable I was... I have to give credit to all the years of stratching in Shotokan and now training with Kettlebells.

The nexg guy was another with belt who was a little heavier then me, So this was going to be fun. Just as I thought He came at me like a bat out of hell trying to kill me. So I played possum for a while to let him have a far chance. I finaly had a enough when he tried to arm bar me, so I escaped but him on his back. It's like seeing a fish out of water when a big guy is on his back. I held him in side control until I got my right hand in his collar then the left. Mounted him and choked him untill he tapped. Time was up when he tapped. I normally don't make white belts tap unless that try to submit me, I try to roll with them to help them improve, but when their whole mission is to tap a higher belt, will it my mission to make them think they can then show them how it's done. ...but that 's just me...

Friday Kettlebell Training.

My workout.

Swings 5 set of 20 with a 24kg kb

Swing, High Pull, Snatch 5 sets 3 L/R with a 24kg kb

Clean, Squat, Press 5 sets of 3 L/R with a 24kg kb

VO2 Max with a 16kg kb 22 set of 7, 15:15

Monday Kettlbell Training

Warm up with swings 4 sets of 20 with a 32kg kb

Today was More VO2 MAx with 16 kg kb 50 sets of 7, 15:15

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday Night Jiu Jitsu Class....

I went to BJJ class ready to train, but I was surprised when I walked in to the academy to find out that Rey was sick, and I was teaching class. This isn't the first time I taught class the last time was a year ago. I asked the guys to warm up while changed in to my gi. When I came out I had everyone line up to do a little joint mobility.

Class was now ready for for techniques. Most of the class were white belts so I started the basic over the shoulder guard pass. Drill the finer points of the pass. Making sure that when the leg is on the shoulder to drive the knee to the opponents forehead. Gripping the collar up towards the opponents neck. I walked around and help each group with small details or having them work the pass. I would make small corrections then have them go again to make sure they understand the pass. I worked this pass because for me it a great escape to the triangle choke.

Next I show the class how to use that basic pass to escape the triangle. I have used this defense a lot of the years to escape the triangle for me it works. For others, well I'm not sure. Seen few use it. The key to making the escape work is Driving the knee to the forehead and the collar grip. Using the grip to pull yourself into your opponent and using the the leg on the shoulder to drive the knee into his forehead. After showing a few variation I had everyone train the technique until everyone could do. After a few minutes for Q&A about the triangle escape and pass I had every pair up to free train.

I Watched the first few training session before I trained. since there was only two blue belts and the rest where white. I rolled with the blue belt. I wanted to work my guard so I pulled guard. We went back a forth until we ended up back on our knees. Then my training partner pulled guard. I was shocked because he was smaller. But He wanted to work his guard I guess. Now its time for me to work my smashing guard passes. The more I smashed the more he regretted pulling guard. Put he hung in there and time ran out.

I rested for 5 minutes before asking one the white belts to roll. Again I gulled guard and sweeped him from the close guard with omoplata sweep. Then it was top game from there. I didn't go hard I left space to see if he would take the openings, and he did. Then I would work passing his half guard, which for a while belt wasn't too bad. Just before time was up I set up an arm bar, but before I could pull if off time ran out.

I like teaching only becasue it helps me understand some of the things I over look when I am training.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Another Day On The Mat

Wednesday night BJJ class was more guard passing. Rey said "this week is guard passing all week".
It was good to train with some bigger then me! More review on the ground guard passes, but some guard passes are not for big guys not matter how long you trained in BJJ. My training partner I joked that the first guard pass just wasn't for big guys, So my training partner looks over to the smallest guys and say " F@#K You, Small Guys"! They looked over at us asking us "what?" We moved on to the next pass and found it more to our liking, smash, choke and pass. Good for anyone really to use pass the guard.

Next up free training. I called out the biggest guy in class and paid for it. Now I haven't trained for over six months on regular bases. This was only my second day back my thing was just jump in there and get my ass handed me the sooner the better. I was smashed, crushed, and tapped, it wasn't even funny... well it was depending where you were watching from it was. There is always tomorrow.

I rolled again with another purple belt I haven't trained with in a while. I wanted to to work my guard. I played guard the whole time. Every time my partner passed or almost passed, you would " Oh, Man"... My guard sucks and he knows it. Since I was keeping him my guard he wasn't having fun, But I was!

More BJJ this weekend... Kettlebells Firday morning.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Finally Back On The Mat!

Monday night I finally got back to BJJ! I made it a priority to get back to my training, not just my kettlebell training but BJJ as well. It's not that big of a deal, but when I tried it back in December it at lasted I whole two days. This time if different I changed somethings around to make sure I can make it to BJJ class the nights I want to train. 

Class was good, we worked on two standing guard passes. Nothing new I learned then years ago, but this time there were two small details that make worth wild to do them again. It the smaller details we some time miss or over look while training. After that we rolled, I rolled with another purple belt who I haven't trained with since he was prompted to purple. I can say his game has improved a lot. I was impressed by the way he kept trying to work his way back to guard. Something he had trouble with in the past. After we were finished I complemented him on his game has improved! He paid my with one as well, "for a big you move so Fast!' 

After class a new guy, I not sure he was visiting or is new to the school, broke out a kettlebell. I was getting ready to leave when I saw it. Now if it was a Dragon Door Bell I would have been impressed, but it was a GoFit... I leave it at that. He was showing a purple belt what he does with it. I don't know where he learn but his techniques, But my guess was the GoFit DVD or YouTube, It wasn't good.  Worst part he didn't even know the name of the techniques he was doing. Me being the nice guy that I am, I showed him how to do a proper Hard Style Swing. He worked on a little and it was better, much better then the ones I witness at the LA Fit Expo last month. I told the rest to the team that I would be holding a Kettlebell for BJJ training workshop and post it soon. I need to workout some details. 

Next BJJ class Wednesday night!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Making Some Changes

When I started my kettlebell training I started like some who trained at home in the garage. When I got serious about my training I sought out a RCK instructor which led me to Dr. Mark Cheng at Kettlebells Los Angeles. When I signed up for the RKC last year I found a new place to train because I could focus on my training, the local park close to home. After I passed my RKC and Started teaching I found a new place to teach, different park. Everything seem good. But I lost focus.

Since then everything has changed, the park where I would trained for the RKC I no longer go there. The Park I choose to teach doesn't seem to fit me, something about it. It's nice and all but there is nothing to make me want to go there to train. The only thing that has stayed the same is Sunday morning training with Doc at KBLA. Something needs to change, And yes it's me, but not only that. I need to get back to my roots in my kettlebell training. So I'm going to the place that help me get prepared for the RKC, Not the garage, But the park that was my KB home for my training.

Starting February 7th I will be teaching at Columbia Park, 4045 190th Street, Torrance CA 90504.

There will be a Saturday Morning Class Only starting at 8 am.

I will be there on Tuesday and Thrusday morning at 9 am just training myself to get back what I lost, my marbles, my mojo... Or my focus, which ever one you choose, but I need to get back to my roots that happy place in training.

Friday, January 30, 2009

One On One At Punch, Kick, Grapple Gym.

Today was another one on one training with an old BJJ friend. He was the first client I have trained that has kettlebell experience. Which made a training and not a teaching lesson, He first picked up kettlebells about six years ago, but hasn't touched them in four. I started the training just adjusting his swing technique. He told me at the swing his lower back would hurt when he did swings in the past. Just by the small adjustments I suggested he said his lower back didn't hurt. Next I moved him to snatches to test his VO2 Max. I didn't want to kill him the first day so I only had him to 12 set of 7, 15:15. He was spent, but not ready to quit, He completed a full forty five minutes workout. I felt good with his performance for being off for so long. He felt it more! 

Next week will work on his Double Cleans and Press.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Celebrating Sinjin’s 9th Anniversary of his kidney transplant

Sinjin is my oldest son he was born with chronic renal failure he needed dialysis in order for him to survive. But before he could have dialysis there were a couple problems, 1) very few baby’s weighing 3lbs and 3 days old have been on dialysis, 2) The Dr didn’t want to operate on a 3lb 3 day old baby and the hospital didn’t have a 14 french (medial sizing??) catheter to use on a baby that small. But another Dr did, in the trunk of his car! In a few short hours Sinjin had a new catheter and ready for his first treatment of dialysis.

After six weeks on the hospital he came home. Before he could come home my wife and I had to be trained to give Sinjin peritoneal dialysis. Once training was complete a nurse came to home to evaluate us on set up and administer dialysis to Sinjin. We did peritoneal dialysis at home at night for the nest two years until his peritoneal cavity was too scared for peritoneal dialysis treatment. Then he went on hemodialysis for the next two and half years. We would take him to St Joseph Hospital in Orange three times a week. We needed to have him there by 6:45 am on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Not problem we had to leave the house by 5:30 am to drive the 38 miles to Orange from Torrance in morning traffic. It got old fast, but you do what is best for your child, NO MATTER WHAT!

On January 2nd 2000 I was talking on the phone to my friend Roger Machado about talking our kids, his daughter and Sinjin, to the movies when I got another call I asked Roger to hold on to answer the other line. It was ULCA transplant team coordinator calling to let us know they have a kidney for Sinjin and we needed to be at UCLA in an hour! I asked her to hold on and click over to the other line to tell Roger I can’t go I call him late and hung up. I give the phone to my wife and let her talk to the coordinator because life just became a blur for me. I don’t remember much between the time the coordinator called and we arrived at UCLA.

Sinjin had been sick that week so he needed his pediatrician to okay him for his transplant. Problem was it was Sunday and the Dr wasn’t on call at the local hospital. After calling his answering service to convince them to page him because it was an emergency and explain by not paging him could cost our son a transplant. A few minutes later the Dr called us back my wife explained to him we just got the call from the transplant team coordinator and we need him to give Sinjin medical clearance for his kidney transplant. He said no problem to meet him at his office in a half hour. We got there about the same time he did as we were walking in to the office he told us he was at brunch with his family and had left them the restaurant to meet us. The Dr’s family was very supportive and understanding why he need to go to the office.

An hour or so later we were at ULCA Medical Center in Westwood preparing for Sinjin’s transplant. After another hour we were told that the transplant would probably not happen that day due to one of the transport teams coming from the east coast had not made it to the hospital in Northern California donor was. They would have to wait until the all the transport teams showed up to harvest all the organs for donation. Two hours later we were told that the transplant would be the next day.

Sinjin was four year eight months old when he received his transplant. Today he is thirteen and doing well.

If you have Fox Sports West today at 3pm watch Lakers Insider at 3pm. There is a segment that was filmed this past summer with Sinjin being interviewed at camp.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year! Now it's time to train!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays, I know I did. Now it's time to get back to training. Classes Start back up on Saturday at 8 am at El Nido park.