Monday, June 24, 2013

Kettlebell South Bay's 300 Workout

Today's workout, I jokingly called it, the Kettlebells South Bay 300! It was just a lot of kettlebell swings with some lunges and one arm kettlebell rows.

A. 5 x 20  kettlebell swings broken down like this. 5 two hand kettlebell swings, 5 one hand swing, swing switch, 5 one hand swings, 5 two hand swings. Reset as needee.

Two minute rest.

B 1. Kettlebell Forward lunges. Holding kettlebell in the rack position. 5R/5L for 5 sets.

B 2. Bend over kettlebell rows. 5R/5L for 5 sets. rest as needed.

Two minute rest.

C. 20 two hand swings for 5 sets. Rest as needed.

Use the kettlebell you do two hand swings with. Short rest between sets, rest as needed, longer rest when switching exercises.