Friday, January 15, 2010

Some Moving Around

Since I going to Another Kettlebell Seminar I don't want anyone to miss out in their training, so I'm making a move in the schedule.

This Saturday January 16th Both Classes will be moved to Sunday the 17th at 9:30am at Columbia Park. If by chance it rains, I will Move class to Let Roll Jiu Jitsu, But Only if it rains.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Swings, Snatches and Doubles....

Today's workout was short, but need to squeeze it in.

Two handed swings 3 set of 10 to warm up.

Snatches 7 set of 10L/10R 55 seconds on, 55 seconds rest with a 24kg bell.

Double Clean and Presses ladders 3-2 -1 with 5 squats on the last set.

Clean and Jerks 3 sets of 3.