Thursday, September 11, 2008

Training with Doc

This morning I had my first private training session with Dr Mark Cheng Chief Instructor of Kettlebells Los Angeles (KBLA). This is not the the first time I train with Doc, I train with him every Sunday at Clover Park in Santa Monica home of KBLA. We met to review my snatch technique for my up coming RKC snatch test I retake. For my weight class I need to perform the max number of snatches to pass which is 74 with a 24kg kettlebell.

The last time I tested my self I did 66, 36L/30R with a 24kg. Today Doc had me warm up with some one handed swing, then he had me do swings, let it go and "hook" it deep. When someone is doing high reps of snatchs when your grip starts to give out you can re grip the bell be letting it go and hooking to re-grip the bell.

After the swings, Doc asked me to 35/35 snatches. I did 64, 35/29. Not bad, Since I knocked out 280 snatches on Wednesday with 16kg KB. Afterwards Doc asked me what I though doing work. I said my cardio, But he meant technique wise. I had to think about it being winded and hanging to think don't go well sometime. All the thing I thought I did wrong, was not really that bad. Doc told me I needed to Hold The Lock Out when the bell is over head and not to release until the bell is on it's way down to unluck, and Just as important to keep my heels planted. I never noticed when I come up on my toes when I do lots of reps. I know when I do say 10/10 reps with a short reset and do another set I don't do come up on my toes.

Next Doc had me do another set of 15/15 of snacthes. But this time I had Hold the lock postion until the bell is on it's way down, and keep my heels planted with out rocking on to my toes. I went thought the motions to get the feeling. Once I had the feeling I started the next set of snatches. I losted the lock out one time, and it was the 14 rep on the right side. From there I did 6 more sets of 10 hold the lockout and keeping the heels planted to avoid rocking on to my toes.
What a differance just doing these two things to helped improve my technique for snatches.

This Sunday will be the day I will take my snatch test. I've given the tools needed to pass, now it's up to me to use them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

VO2 Max training

I haven't done the VO2 Max Protocol since Last month's RKC. I needed to train snatches for preparation for my snatch test I need to pass to be a RKC. VO2 Max seem like the best thing to do since a few days a way from talking my snatch test.

16kg 7 reps, 40 sets, 15:15 for a total of 280 snatches.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Trianing At The Park

Today I decided to go back to the RKC minimum, Swings. I haven't done a swing only workout since completing the UCLA RKC in August. Before the RKC I did a swing only workout two or three times a week. Since August I have used swings as a warm up for my snatch training. Todat I used a 28kg, a 24kg, or two 24kg kettlebells for this workout. I only count my reps but not the sets, each set was 5, 10 or 20 reps with a short rest in between. I paid more attention to my technique. I wanted to focus on locking out and breathing then keeping count of how may set I was doing. I will start getting back to what got me ready for the RCK and do more swings.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sunday Morning Kettlebell Training

Today was Training with the Kettlebell Los Angeles Crew. The last couple days my lower back pain returned and I wasn't sure why. I rested most of Saturday so I could attend Sunday morning KBLA training class. I woke this morning with no pain so I was off to training.

Today's class we work the shoulders. Started with joint mobility then moved on to naked Hard Style Lockout, next was swings for warm up. Since I my heavy day was Friday I decided to go light and use a 24kg for most of my workout with the exception of squats I used a 32kg for 3 sets of 5 other then that I stuck with the 24kg for the rest of the work out. 

Next we moved on to Clean and Press, Squat ladders starting with 5/5 down to 1/1. After that we did 3 Sets of 3 Push Presses. Last was the Walking over head press for 30 or so yards 4 times up and back. 

Last Circuit training, I don't remember most of it, but I do know I need to work on my Bear Crawls with a push up! My weakest technique....