Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday Night Jiu Jitsu Class....

I went to BJJ class ready to train, but I was surprised when I walked in to the academy to find out that Rey was sick, and I was teaching class. This isn't the first time I taught class the last time was a year ago. I asked the guys to warm up while changed in to my gi. When I came out I had everyone line up to do a little joint mobility.

Class was now ready for for techniques. Most of the class were white belts so I started the basic over the shoulder guard pass. Drill the finer points of the pass. Making sure that when the leg is on the shoulder to drive the knee to the opponents forehead. Gripping the collar up towards the opponents neck. I walked around and help each group with small details or having them work the pass. I would make small corrections then have them go again to make sure they understand the pass. I worked this pass because for me it a great escape to the triangle choke.

Next I show the class how to use that basic pass to escape the triangle. I have used this defense a lot of the years to escape the triangle for me it works. For others, well I'm not sure. Seen few use it. The key to making the escape work is Driving the knee to the forehead and the collar grip. Using the grip to pull yourself into your opponent and using the the leg on the shoulder to drive the knee into his forehead. After showing a few variation I had everyone train the technique until everyone could do. After a few minutes for Q&A about the triangle escape and pass I had every pair up to free train.

I Watched the first few training session before I trained. since there was only two blue belts and the rest where white. I rolled with the blue belt. I wanted to work my guard so I pulled guard. We went back a forth until we ended up back on our knees. Then my training partner pulled guard. I was shocked because he was smaller. But He wanted to work his guard I guess. Now its time for me to work my smashing guard passes. The more I smashed the more he regretted pulling guard. Put he hung in there and time ran out.

I rested for 5 minutes before asking one the white belts to roll. Again I gulled guard and sweeped him from the close guard with omoplata sweep. Then it was top game from there. I didn't go hard I left space to see if he would take the openings, and he did. Then I would work passing his half guard, which for a while belt wasn't too bad. Just before time was up I set up an arm bar, but before I could pull if off time ran out.

I like teaching only becasue it helps me understand some of the things I over look when I am training.