Thursday, October 09, 2008

Light Day

I need to get a KB workout, So I pulled out my 32kg for a light workout.

3 sets of 10 swings.
3 sets of 3 push press
5 sets of 5L/5R snatches

Okay It was more of short workout then a light one. But it's all how you look at.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Kettlebells South Bay Classes Starting

South Bay Kettlebells will start class on Wednesday October 15th at 9am and on Saturday 18th at 8 am.

Kettlebells South Bay fully appreciates the contributions and sacrifices that our police, fire, and armed forces personnel make in order to keep us safe & sound. Any active duty member of those groups can train at any Kettlebells South Bay group classes or private for 50% off the regular price

Cost:$20 Cash only.

Sunday’s Kettlebell Class for De-winplifcation

This weekend my dad came to visit with my family and me for the weekend. We haven’t hung out in a long time, so when he called to tell me he would be in town for a Doctor’s appointment he would like to stay with us for the weekend. It was a good choice on my part he had a great time hang out with his grand kids. At 71 he's up before the crack of dawn. He has nothing to do until I get back home from training. So his choice on Sunday morning was come with me to KBLA at 6:30 AM or walk to 7-11 for a cup of coffee because we don’t own coffee maker. I invited him to come with me to kettlebells class to hang out and watch class. First question from dad was” what’s a kettlebell?” The next question was “what do you do with them?” I showed him a kettlebell before we left for class and told him he needed to watch class to get a better Idea how they are used. Sometime seeing easier then explaining.

When we arrive at Clover Park I introduce my dad to follow RKC’s who where there before us. I introduce dad to Lulin Tsai. Lulin asked him if he was going to join class today. Before my dad could answer I replied for him “no, he’s too old!” Then I added “no he can’t hear or read lips either”. He just laughed and added "I will need to turn up my hear aid."

Sunday's class started with Doc having us warm up with joint mobility. Then the focused turned to Snatches. I haven't done snatches since I passed my RKC Snatch test a few weeks ago. Doc started with the hard style snatch with main training points being, A) Hard Style Lock, B) Arm locked straight over head behind the ear, C) Fist punching upwards. Then we moved on to speed snatches. Doc asked Nikki to lead this portion of the class. Everyone was asked to get a smaller bell for speed snatches. Doc wanted us to work on moving fast as possible.
It was now time to for the circuit. Nikki was in charge of putting this week’s circuit together and she came though. It’s the part of the work out I look forward to.Even though I act like it’s not. It lets me know what I need to work on, like the bear crawl with a push up. After the circuit I was done and now longer a wimp. I had been De-winplified.

Before My dad and I left Clover Park my dad comment to me "that looks like one tough workout!" After we got in the car to leave he asked me to teach him joint mobility for his warm up before his daily walk. He asked me more about the Hard Style Lock. After a explaining the basics to him he want to learn how to do it on his next visit. Next month he’ll be 72 and doing the HSL, and you never know he may be swinging a kettlebell.